Quality & Environment


  • Installation and maintenance of industrial, domestic, and home automation electricity.
  • Installation and maintenance of photovoltaic installations.

Quality and Environment Policy

MLG ELECTROSOLAR S.L. implements an Integrated Management System based on the UNE EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE EN ISO 14001:2015 standards.

The purpose of this Integrated Management System is the satisfaction of its customers and other interested parties, thanks to the fulfilment of the established requirements and within the established deadlines and prices; the correct detection of business risks for their management that enable the viability of the company over time, care for the environment, efficiency in the use of resources and the reduction of the negative impacts of the processes; and finally, to increase the competitiveness of the company and improve the service provided to all interested parties.

The pillars of the policy are:

In Cijuela on 29 June 2021,

Francisco Javier González López. Manager.


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